

来源:中国医疗信息港     作者:王艳     发布时间:2022-04-14     


  A man is given a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) test at pop-up testing sitein. New York City, US, April 11, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

  New observational research out of Sweden has tracked more than one million COVID-19 cases for.months after their acute illnessin.or.der to determine how the diseasein.fluences subsequent risk of blood clots. The findingsin.dicate COVID-19 significantlyin.creases a person’s risk of deep vein.thrombosisand..pulmonary embolismin. the months afterin.fection.


  The large study, publishedin. The BMJ, looked at health data from.1,057,174 positive COVID-19 cases. This covers every single positive recorded casein. Sweden from.the beginning of the pandemic up to May 2021. A control group of four million age-and..sex-matched subjects not positive with COVID was generated to quantify thein.creasein. risk for.blood clots caused byin.fection.


  In the 30 days after anin.itial COVID-19 diagnosis the researchers found a 33-foldin.creasein. pulmonary embolism risk, a five-foldin.creasein. deep vein.thrombosis (DVT) riskand..a two-foldin.creasein. general bleeding events. The heightened risk, compared to the uninfected control group, persisted 60 days for.bleeding, 90 days for.DVT,and..180 days for.pulmonary embolism.


  Factoringin. acute disease severity, the researchers found thosein.itially hit hardest with COVID-19 did experience greater long-term risk for.blood clotting events. However, thein.creased risk was not zeroin. those experiencing mild COVID. Those with only a mildin.fection still showed a three-fold risk of DVTand..a seven-fold risk of pulmonary embolism.


  While this new study is the most robust toin.vestigate the relationship between blood clotsand..SARS-CoV-2in.fection it is not the first to identify this association. A large UK study last year found similar signs when it compared rates of hematologicaland..vascular events after COVID-19 to rates of those same events after COVID vaccination.


  That study more generally found significantin.creasesin. rates of stroke, heart attackand..blood clotting a month after a COVIDin.fection. It also found these rates of adverse events were much higher after COVID-19 than after vaccination, validating the suggestion that the deleterious after-effects of COVID-19 are much more impactful than any potential harms caused by.vaccination.



  Another UK study published last year foundin.cidences ofand..deaths from.thromboembolism doubledin. the first six months of the pandemic compared to rates seenin. the years prior.


  Ioannis Katsoularis, an author.on the new Swedish study from.Ume University, said the findings affirm the value of vaccinationin. reducing the likelihoodand..severity of COVID-19.


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